የዞምሶኑ ሲዲዲ 31 ቀን የኤሌክትሪክ ማረፊያ ስቴኪንግ የመጋዘን ቦታን እንዴት እንደሚያስተዳድሩ የሚያስተላልፍ የታመቀ እና ቀላል ንድፍ ይሰጣል. Its small footprint allows you to navigate narrow aisles and tight layouts effortlessly. You can optimize your warehouse layout by utilizing its advanced stacking capabilities, which increase vertical storage and free up valuable floor space. ይህወይም ሀ.

ቁልፍ atways

  • The CDD15E Electric Walkie Stacker is small and fits tight spaces. እሱ.

ጠቃሚ ምክር

የታመቀ እና ቀላል ክብደት ንድፍ

መጋዘንዎ ጠባብ ዲስክ ወይም ውስብስብ አቀማመጥ ከያዘ, CUDD15E ጥሩ መፍትሄ ነው. ክብደቱ የግንባታ ግንባታው እና ዥረት ዥረት ንድፍ እነዚህን ፈታኝ ያልሆኑ ቦታዎች ለማሰስ ፍጹም ያደርገዋል. You can easily move it through tight pathways without worrying about damaging goods or shelving. This adaptability helps you optimize your warehouse layout, ensuring every inch of space is used effectively.

The CDD15E excels in confined spaces thanks to its small turning radius. This feature allows you to maneuver the stacker effortlessly through narrow aisles, even when handling heavy loads. You can turn and position it precisely where needed, reducing the time spent on adjustments. ይህ ችሎታ በተለይ በዋናነት ቦታ በሚገኝበት ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የማጠራቀሚያ ስፍራዎች ውስጥ ጠቃሚ ነው.

ከባድ ሸክሞችን አያያዝ ከ CUDD15E ጋር ነፃ የሚጨነቅ ከሆነ. Its robust construction and torsion-resistant steel frame ensure stability during operation. You can lift and stack loads of up to 1500kg with confidence, knowing the stacker will remain steady. This stability not only protects your goods but also enhances the safety of your workers, reducing the risk of accidents.

ጠቃሚ ምክር

The CDD15E is built to last. Its torsion-resistant steel frame provides exceptional durability. ይህ ጠንካራነት ግንባታ መረጋጋትን ሳይጨምር የማይጠይቁ ተግባሮችን እንዲይዝ ያስችለዋል. You can trust it to perform consistently, even in challenging conditions. The sturdy design also reduces wear and tear, extending the lifespan of the stacker.

የኢነርጂ ውጤታማነት እና የዋጋ ቁጠባዎች

የመጠገን እና የአሠራር ወጪዎች የተቀነሰ


ውስን ቦታ ካለው ትንሽ መጋዘን ጋር ሲያካሂዱ ያስቡ. ለስላሳ ሥራዎችን በሚጠብቁበት ጊዜ ክምችት ክምችት ለማከማቸት መታገሉ ይችላሉ. One business faced this exact challenge. By introducing the CDD15E Electric Walkie Stacker, they transformed their warehouse layout. Its compact design allowed them to navigate narrow aisles with ease. They used its high stacking height to store goods vertically, freeing up valuable floor space. This change increased their storage capacity and improved workflow efficiency.

የችርቻሮ ንግድ እና ኢ-ኮሜርስ

ጠቃሚ ምክር

ጠቃሚ ምክር

ከፍ ያለ የቁልፍ ቅልጥፍና


ጠቃሚ ምክር

Schedule routine servicing to extend the lifespan of your equipment. በትክክል እንዲሠራ ለማድረግ የባትሪውን ራስ-ሰር መቆራረጥ ባህሪን ይመልከቱ. A well-maintained forklift reduces downtime and operational costs, allowing you to focus on your business goals.


ውጤታማ ለሆኑ ሰዎች ስልጠናዎች

Proper training is essential for maximizing the benefits of the CDD15E. ምንም ቀላል መቆጣጠሪያዎች ቢያገኙም, ኦፕሬተሮችዎ ስልጠና በቁጥጥር ስር የዋለባቸውን በብቃት እና በደህና ይጠቀማሉ. Teach them how to navigate narrow aisles, stack goods at high levels, and handle heavy loads with care.

ጠቃሚ ምክር

ተዘውትረው የሚጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች

ጠቃሚ ምክር

የልጥፍ ጊዜ-ፌብሩዋሪ -4-2025